Zambia and Eastern Africa Travel Reference Map
5th Edition
Scale | 1:1,680,000 |
ISBN | 9781771299213 |
UPC | 817712992130 |
$ CAD | 13.95 |
$ USD | 13.95 |
€ EUR | 9.95 |
£ GBP | 9.95 |
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Zambia, a nice country in central/southern Africa graces one side of the sheet, along with a very large inset map of Lusaka and two others of Livingstone and Victoria Falls (which is actually in Zimbabwe). The other side of the sheet contains a very useful regional map of eastern Africa from Ethiopia/Eritrea south to Eswatini/Swaziland. Madagascar is also included, as well as the Comoro Islands. While both sides are useful, it is the Zambian side that takes precedence. All the roads and towns are shown, as well as parks, safari lodges, and points of interest. It is possible, though not advisable, to travel to Zimbabwe via either Kariba or Vic Falls, and there is a good crossing into Botswana at Sesheke. Entry to and from Tanzania and Malawi is easy.
Map size: 27*39"
This map is also available in digital format and flat map. Please contact if you would want to place an order or for more information.
Legend Includes:
Roads by classification, Rivers and Lakes, National Park, Airports, Points of Interests, Highways, Main Roads, Zoos, Fishing, and much more...